Your True Colours - Life Image Coaching
Life sometimes creates chaos in our lives. It takes work to get back on track.
Sometimes one realizes that goal setting and changing negative habits is better when accountability is present.
We have a goal oriented program that one can subscribe on a monthly basis. Included in the program is the booklet of goals, a note pad, needed worksheets for certain goals chosen, one phone or video conference session and three emails a month, and other needed coaching or encouragement. In person coaching sessions have a higher fee, and can only take place in Memphis TN.
Monthly Fee: $100
In Person Coaching Session: $100 per session, and $75 for 3 emails or phone coaching sessions for a month.
Teens must have a parent in attendance for all sessions, and all emails will be cc to that parent. The parent also must be enrolled in the program. The teens price is $50 a month, with the parent's paid $100 a month.
Y: You, this is about you, and those things you need to improve in your personal life.
O: Omnipotent, this is for you to recognize faith in your life. This can be an organized religion, or your own spiritual realities.
U: Understand, this is for you to increase your knowledge, ever learning, ever growing.
R: Relatives, this brings your family into a forefront of your life, living or those who have passed on.
T: Thankful, bringing gratitude into one's life brings happiness in all things.
R: Refer, this brings into your life the opportunity to recognize others for their service or efforts on your behalf.
U: Utility, this is your physical self, those things you need to improve on physically.
E: Ethics, learning how to keep a moral compass in your daily life.
C: Creative, bringing the arts into your life brings balance.
O: Optimism, choose to see the happier things in your life.
L: Leadership, highlighting those traits that will help you to stand out.
O: Opportunity, every day happenings direct your life. It depends on how your react to them as to how they affect you.
U: Useful, you have talents that you know about, and talents you have yet to develop.
R: Record, there are many things in your life you want remembered; personal, family, events, business.
S: Service, giving of yourself is the best way to not become bogged down in the woes of your own life.